Tuesday, March 29, 2011

my f.r.i.e.n.d.s

i miss you friends..!!
you are the best friends that i ever had..
you always understand me, get along with me, support me in everything i do..
even you are not always be there for me, but you always try to help me when i am in trouble..
i know you love me, and i love you too.. always do.. sorry sometimes i've annoyed you..
but having a good friend like you was too fun! kite kan same ;D  mmuahh2!

fyra >.< 
you same as my mom lah. pok pek pok pek..
hahaha. love you lah :D
you always give a good advice to me.. 
thanks mak nenek ;D

yanie !
yanie you are 18 now, i wish you the best for your future..
i really admire your mature thinking..
your hair too.. hehek..
you are kind to me..
and always helping me.. thanks yea....

my gemok kaklong hazwanie ;D
you ! hmh! hehe
you always understand me..
i really really miss you la long!
miss ibu n your little girls..
if i have time, i'd love to come to your house as always as your wish ;D
wait for me yea.. and dont forget to tell your story to me ok..
love you lah! never forget you tau!

wany ngek!
you are crazy maizy and talk active right?
haha.. too many weird question will come out from your mouth..
ngeee.. i do know that you always remember your friends.. 
me too.. never forget you tau!! send my regard at your 'oley' .. haha

anis ;D
you are always crazy, i know it..
your friends be lucky to have friends like you ;)
miss you <3
in this picture, liyana aqilah a.k.a. qeel, and anis a.k.a ann ..
miss you both qeel and ann ;D

 nOOrHanna, i am really sorry because i don't have any picture of you except the picture when we were dancing traditional dance..but don't get sad, because I always remember you, n love youuu soo much.. hey, we share a lot of story isn't it.. miss you really.. send my regards to your adam ;) 
*just got your new pic :D

to angah Eida, hey babe, you n amirah nor, has create my life with a great friends, we're friends since we were 6 years old right.. ? hehehe,i never forget every single things we've did together..

and others...Tini, Nia take care yea, IMY!

credit to all my friends above because of you i'm going crazy ;D love you girls!


  1. thx 4 to u too ka lyna . u r the best n luf u too ! ;]
    im proud be ur best friend even yany kire 'menumpang' kwn kak iya j . huhu . BFF ! <3

  2. menumpang pun , u'll be always my frens dear :)
